09 October 2012

A New Boy Arrives

I'm making this entry on my iPhone. I bought one on launch day (29 Jun '07) after waiting in line at the local AT&T store for 9 hours! Alright. So I know it ended up that I didn't need to do that. But the iPhone has lived up to it's billing and it is worth it to have waited all that time needlessly just to make sure I got one. It wasn't until recently that I finally was able to purchase a Nintendo Wii. The ebay factor has kept it off the shelves in most stores. That has caused a huge demand for it because people wanting to buy it can either pay $50 more for it on ebay, buy it in a ridiculously expensive bundle (Seriously, what's the difference between that and price gauging?), or stalk the local Best Buy and get in line early on the anticipated morning after a re-stock. The only way I got mine was a buddy at work called me and told me it was in the paper that morning as a bundle with two games I had already planned on buying.

13 July 2007

Opening Blog Entry

This is my first entry. I really don't know where to start so I'll just ramble. I've been at work all night long. We had a database issue and it needed attention immediately. I'm a Systems Engineer looking to move into management soon. I'll be starting an MBA in the fall at the USC Marshall School of Business.

My wife and I will have our third child within a week. If he doesn't come by Friday next week, my wife will be induced. We have a little girl age 4 and a boy age 2. Kids are great. They're fun at every stage so far. I don't know that I'll be able to say that when they get to be teenagers though.

I got a new iPhone two weeks ago. I waited in line for 9 hours! The sad thing is that they were readily available at the Apple Store hours after launch time. Oh well. I had to make sure I could get one. I got so worked by the whole "buy every Nintendo Wii that hits the stores so you can sell it on ebay" deal that I wasn't going through that again. Besides, waiting in line was a lot of fun. There were all kinds of different personalities and I was lucky to be in line next to a few really nice people.

I love hockey! My favorite team is the San Jose Sharks! I'm from San Jose. I grew up there from 9 years old to 18. After that, I joined the military (US Navy). I spent 10 years in the Navy as an Electronics Technician. When I got out, I finished my education at UC San Diego and became an Engineer.

Tired... Morning status meeting......then sleep.